♰ ✨La nostra Patria è nei cieli; di là aspettiamo come Salvatore il Signore Gesù Cristo. Egli trasformerà il nostro misero corpo, per conformarlo al Suo Corpo glorioso. Quando si manifesterà Cristo, nostra vita.✨
Hi Friends! This telegram channel has gene Decode's latest interviews and links to more videos! To see gene Decode’s schedule visit www.genedecode.org; gene Decode’s private Deep Dives and live Q&As are available there for just $7/month or $77/year.
contact the host master on WhatsApp to Join the great Illuminati officials based in United States of America 🔺️ +1 (207) 814-7666 🔻 https://t.me/illuminatiofficials_999 🔺👁️🔻
منصة افتراضية توعوية، تنطلق ضمن مبادرات وزارة الأوقاف والدعوة والإرشاد لتكون مرجعاً هادفاً بأسلوب عصري متميز. تابعونا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي: فيسبوك: https://www.facebook.com/ishraqat1444 يوتيوب: https://youtube.com/@ishraqat1444
Canal oficial de Pildorasdefe.net con recursos católicos para la evangelización. Link del canal: t.me/pildorasdefe ⭕️ Si quieres realizar una ofrenda y ayudarnos a sostener todos nuestros servicios: 👉🏻 pildorasdefe.net/donaciones/ Dios te bendiga
Welcome to WORSHIP EXPERIENCE TV Telegram Channel. Worship Experience is an Online TV Channel. Subscribe to this Channel for more Worship Experience. Here we post Powerful Worship Songs.
BIENVENUE SUR COURS DE LECTURE DU SAINT CORAN. AU PROGRAMME: 1ère étape : Les lettres de l'alphabet arabe. 2ème étape : Les règles de la lecture. 3ème étape : Lecture des dernières sourate 4ème étape : La lecture des sourates suivantes avec tajwid complet