“The defenders of a just cause should be pure in His eyes.” ~ From Lee’s General Order No. 63 Чат: LINK Комментарии, предложения и вопросы: @little_alec_bot
Buy Ads: https://telega.io/c/crimestoryy This is a true crime channel that posts crime stories, files, types of poison, weapons and crime scene media Admin - @BlackManKingTheFirst @telemediagroup Beware. Ads are 3rd party posts
La cosmovisión real y verdadera es la bíblica: Tierra plana y estacionaria, luminarias en el firmamento y agua por encima de este. Dios nos puso en el centro de la Creación. La Biblia es confiable y veraz... Léela para disfrutar de Vida Eterna.
Canale di Curiosità del mondo Tech e non solo. E' un piacere commentare i contenuti del canale ma vi preghiamo di avere sempre un linguaggio corretto e rispetto per tutti. Grazie
Welcome to our channel ! We are a small paranormal research team trying to explore the world out of the boundary ! We post different paranormal videos we find around internet like ghosts, strange incidents, phenomenas... +18 video bot #+18 #18+ #xxx