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A group created for uploading Zip files of powerful teachings, books & songs by anointed men of God, both living and dead for the growth of every believer & the edification of the body of Christ.
EST. 2020: An intergalactic space base which soars through the galactic expanse, swiftly illuminating the Milky Way's vast constellations. Galaxy Base, at your disposal! 🚀 Launch Center: — Cosmic Essentials & Reports: @.GalaxysRobot.
Официальный канал Сибирской студии. Наш сайт: http://studiosib.ru Проповеди: @Studiosib_propovedi Рассказы: @studiosib_rasskazy Распространение аудиоматериала без разрешения администратора, запрещено. По всем вопросам обращаться - @DmitryStepanenko