Fatti interessanti

Fatti interessanti

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  • @fatti_it
Curiosità scatenate: Sintonizzatevi ogni giorno per scoprire fatti sorprendenti e affascinanti da tutto il mondo. Ampliate le vostre conoscenze e stupite i vostri amici con la nostra selezione di intriganti verità.
Buzz 📚 Historia

Buzz 📚 Historia

  • 99.0K
  • @buzzhistoria
Compartiendo los momentos más interesantes de la historia 🔙 🗂 Nuestros canales: https://t.me/addlist/I7ZfedW8EpgwYmU6 👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads
Collective Spark

Collective Spark

  • 4.6K
  • @collectivesparkoriginal
A page dedicated to creating change by raising consciousness & inspire out of the box thinking. Joın The Conversation! Check out: https://collective-spark.xyz/
Награды Отечества

Награды Отечества

  • 3.9K
  • @nagrady_otechestva
Награды России и их кавалеры
Ulrich Hirschmann Archives

Ulrich Hirschmann Archives

  • 5.3K
  • @ulrichhirschmannarchives
Read/watch all content with discretion and discernment. Truth lies within. Unlearn what you've been taught and use critical thinking.
Interesting Knowledge | Facts & Tips

Interesting Knowledge | Facts & Tips

  • 27.6K
  • @interesting_knowledge_facts_tips
🏝Great Interesting stuff here!! 🏝Facts with Source!! 🏝Life pro tips!! Admin: 😇 @The_Lawliet
Marc Friedrich ꙳

Marc Friedrich ꙳

  • 11.4K
  • @marcfriedrlch7
We'll make you shit your pants @BlackManKingTheFirst Everything horror we got it @telemediagroup 📺 Join group - https://t.me/+Dsib5J6x5pgyYjU8
👽🧳Misterios, 👁Conspiraciones , y Tecnologías📡🛠🔭

👽🧳Misterios, 👁Conspiraciones , y Tecnologías📡🛠🔭

  • 1.8K
  • @mct25feb19
Muchas veces algunas personas se asombran al escuchar estas palabras Anunnaki, Ovnis, Nuevo orden mundial, Reptiliano,
Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎]

Google Facts™ [ ️@googlefactss🌎]

  • 95.9K
  • @googlefactss
🌟 Fascination awaits! Get daily facts that enlighten and entertain. Perfect for trivia buffs and knowledge seekers. STAY CURIOUS 😉 @jeyrock @blackmankingthefirst Buy Ads:http://telega.io/c/googlefactss
Советская жизнь

Советская жизнь

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  • @soviet1ife
Телеграмм-канал "Советская жизнь" - архивные материалы о повседневной жизни в Советском Союзе: фото, видео, тексты. Просветительский проект о культуре СССР. Связь - @Evgeniyi070 @kMoroz0v Реклама - @OlyaBelov
Big Think

Big Think

  • 32.5K
  • @bigthink_tg
Ugrade your mind and think Big! Buy Ads: @BADitel or https://telega.io/c/BigThink_tg
Buzz💡 Datos interesantes

Buzz💡 Datos interesantes

  • 174.2K
  • @buzzdatos
Los hechos más interesantes e inesperados de todo el mundo en un solo lugar 🤓 Suscríbete al canal y aprende más ⚡️ 🗂 Nuestros canales: https://t.me/addlist/I7ZfedW8EpgwYmU6 👨‍💻 Publicidad: @buzzads