Publications quotidiennes de nouvelles concernant le processus de transformation individuelle et collective ainsi que l'impact à l’échelle planétaire et galactique.
Our earth is flat and stationary. It doesn't rotate and is definitely not a sphere. 🌱Jesus Christ is Lord.🌱 🌱John 14:6🌱 🇩🇪Unsere Erde ist flach und stationär. Sie rotiert nicht und ist definitiv keine Kugel. Jesus Christus ist der HERR Johannes 14:6
ㅤ “SACRIFICE OUR SOULS YIELD US YOURS.” (Signed, @WALSTSFSBOT & @OFWALST.) ㅤ Hoped we were. The whisper of misfortune haunts us. It’s not the foremost piece of our burden. @TheWalstbot stabbed by backward, we found all those lies & peregrines betrayal.
Messages and Information from Pleiadians of Taygeta. Telepathically received by Judith Lynn, shared by her son, Kab Kab Chat: Web: TW: Order:
Официальный телеграм канал первого православного телеканала Наш сайт: Поддержать работу телеканала: Заявление о внесении в реестр РКН - №5165879786.