Le nostre rubriche: 🤔Domande&Risposte Focus 📚Scopri le Curiosità dal Mondo 👍Enigmistica e Quiz Scrivici a @pensieriparolebot Entra anche in: @AforismiECitazioni @Quiz_Telegram_Italia
A page dedicated to creating change by raising consciousness & inspire out of the box thinking. Joın The Conversation! Check out: https://collective-spark.xyz/
Real history has been subverted & hidden. This channel features articles & sources that right the wrongs. The ancients & their descendants fought & lived, fought & died Wishing you well in this day Reclaim the world they left you, help spread the word
Explora imágenes históricas que revelan secretos, conocimientos y momentos insólitos de la Historia. Perfecto para aquellos amantes de la historia y la cultura de todo el mundo. [🚀] Propiedad: @Proyecto_Valkyria [📢] Publicidad: @DavidV97