This archive is for images, videos & artwork of the wars which tore the western world apart. Images of the past and present will be posted in respectful memory & for historical study. 🔞 What a waste...
Let's see more of everything that is, that may be or could be... See, know and enjoy more... (The source of contents is written below each post, mostly 𝕏 and Instagram accounts)
Base de datos de todo lo que la Ciencia oficialista quiere ocultar del pasado del planeta y la humanidad Únete 👇 🧭Tierras Prohibidas 🌄 🕶 Luz Prohibida🕯
Сообщество Древний Рим: Res publica Romana посвящено истории Античности, и в первую очередь истории Римского государства в период его существования с 753 г. до н.э. до рубежа IV-V веков н.э.