NOT SHAXA RASMIY KANAL ✅ •🔥Konkurs va reklama @notshaxa •❤️Uc uchun @shaxaa_uc •🥶Akkaunt savdo @SHUSTR_SALE •👀 hamkor? • ✅ Rasmiy @shaxa_akk •〽️Uc Service @shaxa_uc •♻️Reklama @pubg_reklama
Синфдошлар каналига хуш келибсизлар бир ёшлимизни эсга оламиз келилар☺️ Канал фаолиятини 2024 йилнинг 8 январь куни бошлаган! Реклама учун.
You will be muted until you read the rules. Read them! @Rules_for_Python A group about the Python programming language. Offtopic things go here: @pythonofftopic Resources to learn python: @pythonres Group for Hy: @hylang Selenium: @SeleniumPython
Blue is the colour, football is the game. Fan channel, is not an official representative. Biz - Chelsimiz 💙 Reklama: @Social_Energy_UZ Jadval va narx: