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✅Official Telegram of Generation2434 from YouTube.com/c/Generation2434 👑My goal is to encourage the body of Christ and to point the lost to Jesus Christ! ✉️Email: Generation2434@use.startmail.com 📖John 14:1-7, Matthew 24:34, Romans 10:9-10
📖Аллах, Свят Он и Велик, приказал в Коране Своему Пророку ﷺ и верующим следовать религии Ибрахима, мир ему, то есть ханифие — единобожию. Сура «ан-Нахль», аят 123. 📱 @hanifiyaa1bot Связь 📈https://t.me/hanifiiya23 отчеты по рекламе
Christian Apostolic Movement ||KINGS||PRIESTS||PROPHETS|| Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
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