The most unusual facts collected from around the world🌎 Ad @advertisement_en_bot Dear subscribers, the channel administration is not responsible for advertising! Buy in
Старые фотографии, свидетели ушедшей эпохи. На канале Вы найдете много интересных исторических персонажей и событий, запечатленных на фото и видео. Купить рекламу на бирже - Сотрудничество - @gerac29 @gleb1k67
For the People who make up those who we call Americans, the culture, ways, memories, mythology and history that was built and born here since the Birth of the Land of Liberty.
Le Grande Tartarie (Alte Welt) - eine weltweite Hoch-Kultur, mit einem Zentrum „im Norden“ - Hyperboräa (aus den "Geschichts - (Sieger) " - Büchern gelöscht !)
LOST & FOUND (from many sources nothing is “mine” it’s all there is) THE TRUTH WILL SET US FREE ~ The system made us slaves. Real history let us remember who we really are. Divine Creation. ~The Eyes are useless when the Mind is Blind: DL ❤️