Коран - это речь Всевышнего Аллаха Хадисы - это изречение, действие и описание Пророка ﷺ, или одобрение им чьих либо слов и действий. @salafiya5_bot @AsSajdahBot
Lo que crees es lo que creas!☀️ La vida que vives es la que tu misma estás creando! ⭐️ Cuanto más conciencia abro en mi más entiendo la maravilla que soy! 🌏✨
Join us on a daily journey of self-discovery and enlightenment as we unlock the truth about reality and awaken to our full potential. Together, we will dive deep down the rabbit hole and discover the truth about ourselves and the world we live in.
Dana Ashlie Telegram Channel - @DanaAshlie Discussing suppressed Truth and the WAY! A way to stay more in touch (that’s not FB and to make video announcements (since YT isn’t) Here is my PPal for anyone wanting to support https://paypal.me/DanaAshlie