Официальный канал первого заместителя председателя комитета Госдумы по безопасности и противодействию коррупции Андрея Лугового. Обратная связь @AKLrobot
We’re fighting for a better, fairer, and brighter future for every American. The channel does not affiliated with Democratic Party and has no intristic value except of fun. For advertising, please contact: @Adsmanager22
Official channel of Sidney Powell - Attorney/ Author of LICENSED TO LIE: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice/ Made history to free @GenFlynn #Truth 🇺🇸 DefendingTheRepublic.org 🇺🇸 DefendingTheRepublicPAC.com 🇺🇸 SidneyPowell.com