• Ежедневная цитата в 9.00 со скрытым словом для проверки знания текста. О Библии в 17.30. • Все наши каналы: LINK • Рекламу не размещаем! Если Вы её видите, то она от Telegram.
Canal Oficial de la Preparación para la Consagración a Jesús por medio de María (Lazos de Amor Mariano) Ésta Será una Preparación Intensiva de 33 días "A quien Dios quiere hacer muy santo lo hace muy devoto de la Virgen María" (S. Luis de Montfort)
Dana Ashlie Telegram Channel - @DanaAshlie Discussing suppressed Truth and the WAY! A way to stay more in touch (that’s not FB and to make video announcements (since YT isn’t) Here is my PPal for anyone wanting to support https://paypal.me/DanaAshlie
Il libero arbitrio è un concetto filosofico e teologico secondo il quale ogni persona ha la facoltà di scegliere gli scopi del proprio agire e pensare, tipicamente perseguiti tramite volontà, Addio libertà: nel mondo cresce la popolazione senza diritti
Hi Friends! This telegram channel has gene Decode's latest interviews and links to more videos! To see gene Decode’s schedule visit www.genedecode.org; gene Decode’s private Deep Dives and live Q&As are available there for just $7/month or $77/year.
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