ㅤ “SACRIFICE OUR SOULS YIELD US YOURS.” (Signed, @WALSTSFSBOT & @OFWALST.) ㅤ Hoped we were. The whisper of misfortune haunts us. It’s not the foremost piece of our burden. @.TheWalstbot stabbed by backward, we found all those lies & peregrines betrayal.
✍🏼Ибн аль-Къайим (да помилует его Аллах), сказал: – Таухид открывает дверь к добру, счастью, радости и бодрости для раба” 📚 Зад аль-Ма’ад 4/202 Нēm nоkоя в эmоú Дуньē
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Bei Frequency Hub erkunden wir die Geheimnisse der Welt des Unsichtbaren, welche die sichtbare Welt hervorbringen. Senden Sie uns gerne passende Vorschläge über unseren @FrequencyHub_Chatbot zu oder schreiben Sie uns für Anregungen & Kooperationen
Official Telegram of Bernhard Guenther (veilofreality.com ) and his wife Laura Matsue. This channel is for seekers of truth who are also interested in the necessary inner work we are here to do during these evolutionary times.