Facts Hive

Facts Hive

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  • @factshive
Learn fun facts daily! Stay curious and keep exploring!
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🗿 Arqueología Prohibida Canal 🤫

🗿 Arqueología Prohibida Canal 🤫

  • 6.5K
  • @arqueologiaprohibidadatabase
Base de datos de todo lo que la Ciencia oficialista quiere ocultar del pasado del planeta y la humanidad Únete 👇 🧭Tierras Prohibidas 🌄 https://t.me/+SbSPBF4bXNVjc4a9 🕶 Luz Prohibida🕯 https://t.me/+ReA_4XM1WqcWDlp7
Outer Space 🚀

Outer Space 🚀

  • 12.9K
  • @thespace_tg
The channel of a Stanford's professor about secrets of Space. Buy Ads: @BADitel, @Arseniy495 or https://telega.io/c/thespace_tg
🎓 TIL - Today I Learned but no 🐝

🎓 TIL - Today I Learned but no 🐝

  • 1.9K
  • @adfreetil
Like the other channel but I don't make money reposting Wikipedia pages posted on reddit
Que s'est-il passé?

Que s'est-il passé?

  • 26.4K
  • @intelligenceeconomique
Les évènements historiques géopolitiques qui correspondent à la date du jour... Infos/Ads: @geocurieux
Amazing Facts💡

Amazing Facts💡

  • 32.5K
  • @amazingfacts4
The channel about the most incredible scientific facts and events on our planet! @Davidj3
GEOPOLI (Mappe&Storia)

GEOPOLI (Mappe&Storia)

  • 2.9K
  • @geopolims
Canale di divulgazione storico-geografica con approfondimenti dalla geopolitica alla scienza sacra 🧭🏛🌍 YouTube: https://youtube.com/@GeopoliYT
Big Think

Big Think

  • 34.4K
  • @bigthink_tg
Ugrade your mind and think Big! Buy Ads: @BADitel or https://telega.io/c/BigThink_tg
Спутник ДЗЗ

Спутник ДЗЗ

  • 2.9K
  • @sputnikdzz
Человеческим языком о дистанционном зондировании Земли. Обратная связь: @sputnikDZZ_bot
Notre Mystérieuse Histoire..

Notre Mystérieuse Histoire..

  • 3.2K
  • @nmhistoire
Suivez nos enquêtes passionnantes sur les énigmes du passé..
El Morrión ❌

El Morrión ❌

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  • @elmorrion
Ropa, banderas, accesorios, historia de España, efemérides y mucho más. www.elmorrion.com
The Decay

The Decay

  • 1.5K
  • @decayingmass
A chamber for tortured Souls.
Ufo e alieni👽

Ufo e alieni👽

  • 1.6K
  • @ufoalieninuoverivelazioni
Le prove, le testimonianze personali, documenti fotografici e studi di ricerca, di fenomeni che i nostri governi negano da sempre, almeno ufficialmente: “alieni sulla terra“. Canale ufficiale ufoalieni.it