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BIENVENUE SUR COURS DE LECTURE DU SAINT CORAN. AU PROGRAMME: 1ère étape : Les lettres de l'alphabet arabe. 2ème étape : Les règles de la lecture. 3ème étape : Lecture des dernières sourate 4ème étape : La lecture des sourates suivantes avec tajwid complet
Official Telegram of Bernhard Guenther (veilofreality.com ) and his wife Laura Matsue. This channel is for seekers of truth who are also interested in the necessary inner work we are here to do during these evolutionary times.
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ БисмиЛляхи-р-Рахмани-р-Рахим — Во имя Аллаха, Милостивого, Милосердного. Второй канал: https://t.me/daily_napominania @IsReAllaha_bot писать можно сюда, Да Благословит Вас Аллаh.
This is the official channel for New Earth Project. We are here to help disseminate information on current events in a time of great censorship. www.NewEarthHorizon.com