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  • @ssgeosurvey
research institute for monitoring geometry between celestial bodies related to seismic activity Research & Education: @ssgeos_edu Website: ssgeos.org Videos: youtube.com/@ssgeos Facebook: facebook.com/ssgeos Twitter: twitter.com/ssgeos


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We are a trusted source of up-to-date information on science, health, politics, and culture. We explore the wonders of science and the mysteries of the universe. Ads: https://telega.io/c/Sciencpedia Owner : @xojuice Ads : @DesolateSpirit
Bob joyce is elvis

Bob joyce is elvis

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  • @bobiselvis
The Doctors TARDIS

The Doctors TARDIS

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  • @thedoctorregenerated
Question everything friends! From the ancient and often hidden past, to the even stranger Mud flood Tartaria and all things in between. Let figure out the truths of our realm together! Donate or tips: Venmo-@TheDoctorregenerated
Interesting facts

Interesting facts

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  • @intfactsen
Curiosity Unleashed: Tune in daily for surprising and fascinating facts from around the globe. Expand your knowledge and dazzle your friends with our diverse selection of intriguing truths. For advertisement inquiries contract here: @arnikanord
Datos Perturbadores

Datos Perturbadores

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  • @datosperturbadores666
Únete al Directorio Oficial de Canales: https://t.me/directoriotherion
Что мы знаем 🤯

Что мы знаем 🤯

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  • @chtomyznaem
18+ Канал публикует факты, переворачивающие представление об истории и мире. Вся информация взята из открытых источников. МЫ НЕ ПРИЗЫВАЕМ К КАКИМ-ЛИБО ДЕЙСТВИЯМ И НЕ НЕСЁМ ОТВЕТСТВЕННОСТИ ЗА ВАШИ ДЕЙСТВИЯ.Контакт для обратной связи и контента @chmz_admin


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  • @survival4u
Abb mit NSZeichen des 3.Reiches dienen nur zu Zwecken der staatsb. Aufkl., der Abwehr verfassungswidriger Bestrebungen, der Kunst oder Wissenschaft, der Forschung oder Lehre, der Berichterstattung über Zeitgeschehens oder der Geschichte (§86, §86a StGb)
Race Realism Channel

Race Realism Channel

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Infographics, studies, data, biological anthropology, population genetics, etc.
Institute of Alternative History and Archaeology

Institute of Alternative History and Archaeology

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  • @iahaofficial
Society for the Study of Secrets and Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations. Ancient technologies, megaliths, artefacts, ancient cities, temples, etc.
😨 Misterios Ocultos 😨💀😖

😨 Misterios Ocultos 😨💀😖

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  • @terror_reales
😨😨Vídeo de Fantasmas de la Vida Real👻💀


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  • @xfilesunveiled
In einer geheimnisvollen Welt jenseits des Alltäglichen entfaltet sich ein faszinierendes Zusammenspiel von unerklärlichen Kräften, geheimnisvollen Wesen und mysteriösen Ereignissen.