A group created for uploading Zip files of powerful teachings, books & songs by anointed men of God, both living and dead for the growth of every believer & the edification of the body of Christ.
Canal supervisé par notre frère Ali ibn Souleyman - حفظه الله - permettant la transmission d'informations relatives aux khoutbas et aux assises de sciences. 📻 http://mixlr.com/aliibnsouleymane69 ⛔ Interdiction de propager les audios et documents.
Offizieller Kanal NbC-Jakob-Tscharntke.de Unser Netzwerk besteht aus bibeltreuen Christen. Wir leben in einem persönlichen Vertrauensverhältnis zu Jesus Christus, unserem Herrn und Erlöser.
Official Telegram of Bernhard Guenther (veilofreality.com ) and his wife Laura Matsue. This channel is for seekers of truth who are also interested in the necessary inner work we are here to do during these evolutionary times.
Сураи Зумар ояти 30 🥀🌸❤️🩹 إِنَّكَ مَيِّتٞ وَإِنَّهُم مَّيِّتُونَ.! ❤️🩹🥀🌸 ҳаройна, ту мемирӣ ва онҳо низ мирандаанд.! 🍃🥀 воистину, ты смертен, и они смертны.! Реклама💰 @Yassi20044