Responsable du canal : Abou Houdhayfa Abdelbasset Al-maghribi Diplômé de la faculté de droit islamique de l’université islamique de Médine. Actuellement étudiant en magistère dans la même université. Contact:
Самый полезный православный канал в телеграм на каждый день. Православные молитвы. Наставления Святых Отцов. Ежеденевные напомниания о важности Бога в нашей жизни. Наш второй канал: Просфора -
Official Telegram of Bernhard Guenther ( ) and his wife Laura Matsue. This channel is for seekers of truth who are also interested in the necessary inner work we are here to do during these evolutionary times.
@ChristianLibraryforyou You just have to know that God deals with you according to your level of knowledge and understanding of Him. Knowl"edge" grants you a leading edge.