XDAO | Official channel 💠
💎 XDAO / World's largest DAO builder and multichain DAO ecosystem 🎮 TONxDAO / TG mini app revealing all the opportunities of DAO. Play and earn $DAO tokens Chat: @xdao_eng Website: https://xdao.app Twitter: x.com/xdaoapp 💼 For partnerships: @xdao_biz

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⚡️ #1 channel about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized finance. 👉 Admin: @jonnesnow

Alex_MVP (ENG)
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Fish Meme News
Community: @FishMemeChat Game: @fishmeme_bot Twitter: x.com/FishMemeCoin

DeDust.io RU – TON DEX
Официальный канал DeDust на русском языке DEX: dedust.io Чат: https://t.me/dedust_ru_chat Бот: @dedustBot English: @dedust_en Twitter: twitter.com/dedust_io

Common Wealth Announcements
Imagine if retail investors over the world had access to the same private sale crypto deals that VCs have access to with zero barriers to entry? That would be a game changer.

Crypto Headlines
Первый крипто-новостник с алгоритмами ИИ и штатом журналистов на борту! БЫСТРЕЕ ВСЕХ! Ссылка для вступления в канал: @crypto_hd Реклама|Сотрудничество: @LOVE_NOT_WARS

TON Kombat Official ⚔️
If you're part of Hamster, Moonbix, Notcoin, Major, Blum, Catizen, SEED, or Dogs, congratulations! You are now eligible for an AIRDROP! 🙌 @Ton_kombat_bot Chat: @TON_Kombat_Chat Youtube: youtube.com/@TONKombat Contact: @sergeiknows @laylakombat

Реклама: @swop_adv Основной @swoptoky_media Игровой @swoptoky_games YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/swoptoky 📨 Админы @swop_obtc и @hagotski (спам: @swoptoky_bot)

Crypto TV
Unparalleled, unbiased & real-time coverage of latest market insights Crypto, finance and tech @sever_ar

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