History Repeats Itself

History Repeats Itself

  • 2.2K
  • @thehistoryrepeatsitself
"History Repeats Itself" explores recurring patterns in history, highlighting how past events and trends echo in the present. Through engaging analysis, the channel reveals the lessons we can learn from history's cycles.


  • 7.9K
  • @memorianatio
🕊️ Quand l'esprit se souvient, la flamme se maintient ! 👥 Canal destiné aux nationalistes, royalistes & catholiques, visant à mettre en lumière les nôtres, et ceux qui ont contribué à la grandeur de nos idéaux. 📮 Contact : @MemoriaNatioBot
A History of Murderers

A History of Murderers

  • 10.7K
  • @a_history_of_murderers
For ad @advertisement_en_bot Dear subscribers, the channel administration is not responsible for advertising! By being in the channel, you agree to this automatically Buy https://telega.io/c/a_history_of_murderers/card?r=JRSRn_i6


  • 2.0K
  • @survival4u
Abb mit NSZeichen des 3.Reiches dienen nur zu Zwecken der staatsb. Aufkl., der Abwehr verfassungswidriger Bestrebungen, der Kunst oder Wissenschaft, der Forschung oder Lehre, der Berichterstattung über Zeitgeschehens oder der Geschichte (§86, §86a StGb)
Record Mondiali🥇

Record Mondiali🥇

  • 11.3K
  • @recordmondiali
🥇 I Record più incredibili del mondo Contatti: @Cormac_bot
The Flat Earth

The Flat Earth

  • 3.1K
  • @flatearth1776
Discussion on Flat earth topics only!
L’Elefante nella Stanza (ex Distopia 2.0)

L’Elefante nella Stanza (ex Distopia 2.0)

  • 4.9K
  • @distopia2punto0
Riscoprire il passato per comprendere il presente. Indagare il presente per guardare al futuro. Sei pronto? Facciamolo insieme. ATTENZIONE: La “chat commenti” chiude alle 23,00 e riapre alle 7,30.
Mr. Hidden History

Mr. Hidden History

  • 7.6K
  • @mr_hidden_history
Only here you will learn the real story. Author's channel of historian David Michael Kennedy Exposing the truth and fighting for justice.
Советский объектив

Советский объектив

  • 2.9K
  • @sovietlens
Канал посвященный советской эпохе. СССР. 📸 отборные фотографии 🎥 фрагменты из любимых фильмов 🗣 истории без цензуры 😄 юмор Admin: @MarinaLibedich Ссылка на чат: https://t.me/sovietlenschat
Earth, Galaxy, Universe

Earth, Galaxy, Universe

  • 14.4K
  • @ourearthgalaxy
Find out more about our Earth, Solar system and the Universe. Just facts and fascinating images. Please support us: Buy ads: https://telega.io/c/ourearthgalaxy Donate: https://bmc.link/realpandaprod Contact us: @RealPanda_bot
🏛️ Impero Romano 🏛️

🏛️ Impero Romano 🏛️

  • 9.2K
  • приватный
Storia di Roma e del suo Impero
Russia Beyond in italiano

Russia Beyond in italiano

  • 7.7K
  • @russiabeyond_it
Il tuo canale su cultura, società e storia russa 🏰Fatti sconosciuti e affascinanti 🔥Storie divertenti e sorprendenti 📸 Cucina, viaggi e video che ispirano! 📌 Per pubblicità e collaborazioni: @PolinaKorti 🖥 Sito: https://it.rbth.com/
Bund der Ahnen

Bund der Ahnen

  • 4.2K
  • @bdahnen
Vergleichende Mythologie, Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Zeitgeschehen u.Ä. sind Themen, denen sich hier gewidmet wird. Hier erscheinen punktgenaue Beiträge mit Tiefgang. Kontakt zu uns: @MrAncestorBot