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See yourself as God sees you, nothing more, nothing less. Former Green Beret in God’s Army now. Testified in SEAL’s v. DoD. Purple Heart Veteran. https://theremnantministrytx.org
A group created for uploading Zip files of powerful teachings, books & songs by anointed men of God, both living and dead for the growth of every believer & the edification of the body of Christ.
Wahrheit. Inspiration zur Bewusstseins-Bildung. Portal der Information, Recherche und Aktivierung der Zirbeldrüse. Die Zeit des "Wandels" ist jetzt, "Fühl und Hör" in dich! »Es ist das "Für- und Miteinander", was zählt!«
📝 Аёл киши бола туғаётганида 20 та суяк синишига тенг оғриқни ҳис қилар экан. Сиз учун шунча дардни кўтарган онангизни бир оғиз қаттиқ сўзини кўтаролмайсизми?.. (Б.М.) Реклама учун @Solixa_Qiz https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAEoqxJvob7F63SjCig