The Flat Earth

The Flat Earth

  • 3.1K
  • @flatearth1776
Discussion on Flat earth topics only!
Parallel Universe | +18 Videos Darkweb UFO GHOST PARANORMAL Scary

Parallel Universe | +18 Videos Darkweb UFO GHOST PARANORMAL Scary

  • 7.3K
  • @paranormal_research
Welcome to our channel ! We are a small paranormal research team trying to explore the world out of the boundary ! We post different paranormal videos we find around internet like ghosts, strange incidents, phenomenas... +18 video #+18 #18+ #xxx darkweb


  • 2.6K
  • приватный
Momentos mágicos y Curiosidades de nuestro mundo que debes ver antes de morir [🚀] Propiedad: @Proyecto_Valkyria [📢] Publicidad: @DavidV97


  • 1.8K
  • @nasaliestheearthisflat
The Flat Earth Files
Project Blue Beam, Hologram Technology

Project Blue Beam, Hologram Technology

  • 7.2K
  • @hologram_technology
Project Blue Beam, Hologram Technology, PORTL, 3D, 7D, 5G, HAARP, Chemtrails/Geoengineering, Drones, UFO-(Fake)


  • 1.6K
  • @germany787
[قناة لنشر المعلومات العامة وتاريخية و لكشف اكاذيب الإعلام و اليهود ومحاربة الفساد ونشر معلومات عن الرايخ الثالث والاشتراكية القومية] مؤلفاتي:
Datos Interesantes

Datos Interesantes

  • 5.0K
  • @datosinteresantes666
Únete al Directorio Oficial de Canales:
NASA&MOON Landing Hoax 🚀Mondlandung|Flat Earth|Proof|Flache Erde Germany|Ice Wall|Firmament|Bible|History|Antarctica|Stars|Maps

NASA&MOON Landing Hoax 🚀Mondlandung|Flat Earth|Proof|Flache Erde Germany|Ice Wall|Firmament|Bible|History|Antarctica|Stars|Maps

  • 26.6K
  • @nasa_hoax
🔎 #FlatEarth #NASA #NASALies #NASAHoax #Antarctica #Dome.. & ✔Check all pinned links📌 Thank U!♡🙏 @Nasa_Hoax @Warnung5G @NineEleven_911 @Nasa_Hoax_Chat @Nasa_Hoax_Backup @BRDLandDerLuegen PS:Beware of those Crypto Scammers!
Institute of Alternative History and Archaeology

Institute of Alternative History and Archaeology

  • 6.3K
  • @iahaofficial
Society for the Study of Secrets and Mysteries of Ancient Civilizations. Ancient technologies, megaliths, artefacts, ancient cities, temples, etc.
Немного о Многом

Немного о Многом

  • 1.6K
  • @droll_baby
Развлекательно - познавательный канал. Поднимайте настроение! Всё интересное, доброе и красивое - у нас. Только позитив и эмоциональный уют. Присоединяйтесь! Реклама: @dobropozytiv
Tartaria & History Channel

Tartaria & History Channel

  • 128.5K
  • @tartariahistorychannel
We are here to uncover our real history. Come join the search!! For a private message you can contact me here @LarryL44


  • 77.1K
  • @wahrheits_jaeger
Mäckle macht gute Laune Impressum Five Element LLC 7901 4 TH ST N STE 300 St.Petersburg FL 33702 Pinelass Florida CEO Bradley Smith
X-Files History

X-Files History

  • 49.0K
  • @x_files_history
Filme, Audios und Texte, die die geheime oder gefälschte Geschichte behandeln. Verschwörungspraktiken sind unbekannt, solange sie nicht angewendet wurden. Werden Verschwörungspraktiken entdeckt, werden sie zu Verschwörungstheorien.