Kosmo [ENG]

Kosmo [ENG]

  • 6.8K
  • @kosmo_eng
➥ Youtube - youtube.com/c/Kosmo_off
➥ Сooperation - kosmo.pdt@gmail.com
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Kosmo is an interesting channel for inquiring minds about space, the universe and things around us...
The Real History

The Real History

  • 4.2K
  • @real_history_01
The real history on our channel, together we will learn a lot of interesting things that you certainly did not know!


  • 26.7K
  • @imageneshistoricas
Canal de disfusión de contenido de antaño en imágenes. Historical Images Channel Ads/Anuncios: @Shogo_Makishima Más de los grupos y canales de la comunidad NEXUS en @Comunidad_NEXUS.
Tironianae - History Unredacted

Tironianae - History Unredacted

  • 5.1K
  • @tironianane_historyunredacted
A Historical Archive - REAL American and World History, the How's and Why's of it All - How We Got Here
Київ, жива iсторiя

Київ, жива iсторiя

  • 34.3K
  • @kyivkk
🇺🇦Найбiльший ретро-канал про Київ! https://t.me/+v2ybBXjjeMw3Njdi 👈 запрошення для друзiв З приводу реклами suv.art10@gmail.com
Science | Facts💡

Science | Facts💡

  • 5.2K
  • @science_and_facts_tg
00DEZZ Official Channel

00DEZZ Official Channel

  • 2.5K
  • @offical00dezzchannel
This channel is for people that want to gain knowledge and perspectives and information I gained through decades of an interesting life.


  • 9.7K
  • @history_public
Здесь все про историю. Подпишись! Сотрудничество - @lgromanR
Мрачные тайны Москвы и Петербурга

Мрачные тайны Москвы и Петербурга

  • 1.1K
  • @mystery_town
Реклама/сотрудничество: @Ludmila_V99 Владелец: @bad_to_the_bone Городские легенды, мрачные заброшки и жутко интересные места Петербурга, Москвы и области
Historia en Blanco Y Negro 📸

Historia en Blanco Y Negro 📸

  • 3.2K
  • приватный
Explora imágenes históricas que revelan secretos, conocimientos y momentos insólitos de la Historia. Perfecto para aquellos amantes de la historia y la cultura de todo el mundo. [🚀] Propiedad: @Proyecto_Valkyria [📢] Publicidad: @DavidV97
Fact & Facts

Fact & Facts

  • 2.5K
  • @fact_n_facts
Welcome to the most comprehensive channel with Facts! Dive into a world of intriguing, mind-blowing, and verified facts across various topics. Stay informed, amazed, and entertained with our daily updates. Join us and become a fact enthusiast today!
Science Strangeries

Science Strangeries

  • 1.5K
  • @sci_strangeries
Isn't Science Strange? Exhilarating oneself


  • 2.1K
  • @illyrianometer
Channel for posting dna,culture and other stuff.