Alex Falcon

Alex Falcon

  • 7.04M
  • @iamalexfalcon
Founder of X Empire
Ex Tooligram
Host of the biggest podcast in the CIS
Reflection Annoucement

Reflection Annoucement

  • 397.1K
  • @reflection_ton
🚨 INTRODUCING: 💎 RectCoinBot — The Craziest #TonEcosytem Community BOT 🚨 ✔️ Ann: @reflection_ton ✔️ Group: @reflection_ai ✔️ Game Bot: @RectCoinBot 🫡 DM @Amber_oo7 if you're interested in partnering!
Not Bored Puppies news (Ex-Topcoin)

Not Bored Puppies news (Ex-Topcoin)

  • 2.26M
  • @notboredpuppies_news
Play: @NotBoredPuppies_bot Support: @nbp_help Commercial: @tim201200
TON Hedge News

TON Hedge News

  • 86.7K
  • @ton_hedge
Options trading protocol on TON ❓Admin: @tonhedge_max 📱 App: @ton_hedge_bot 🗯 Chat: @ton_hedge_chat


  • 71.5K
  • @jvault
JVault is an ecosystem for project creators and investors that includes four active products: Staking, Launchpad, Quest Bot and Locker Website: Chat: @jvault_chat RU channel: @jvault_ru
Инвестиции Григория 📦

Инвестиции Григория 📦

  • 155.8K
  • @tg_majorka
Публикую о том куда инвестирую. Пишу о важном. Торгую на BingX: Автор канала: @BTCmajor Менеджер @Tabarbezan @kykysik00 ALL DIOR
TON Newbie 💎

TON Newbie 💎

  • 455.0K
  • @tonnewbie
Канал посвящён новостям и полезной информации для Вашего развития в крипто мире. Делюсь своим 4ех летним опытом в TON. О крипто и блокчейне простыми словами. @TonNewbie22 чат. @DriveMusic22 Promo: @FunnyPeople22
Evans Crypto

Evans Crypto

  • 80.1K
  • @evans_crypto
Всё что вам нужно, в одном месте.
Durov Jesus Community

Durov Jesus Community

  • 50.2K
  • @durov_jesus
It's more than a dogs and nothing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Crypto Jack

Crypto Jack

  • 82.2K
  • @cccryptojack
Latest news, memes and coin analysis from crypto world Contact: @spcryptojack RU Channel:
Quietly Community

Quietly Community

  • 80.1K
  • @qairdrop2
🌐Discover the latest opportunities to diversify your crypto portfolio without any investment. 🔔Never miss out on upcoming, ongoing, or completed airdrops from reputable blockchain projects. Owner: @Medhanye7 Buy ads:


  • 139.3K
  • @wanna_boom
💣 The most bombastic channel about cryptocurrencies, where are you: – Find out the latest news – Blowing up your brain with memes – You are rapidly soaring towards financial freedom 😎 Subscribe already, don't be a boomer! Cooperation: @Emily_Ads
TreasureNFT | ANN

TreasureNFT | ANN

  • 399.3K
  • @treasurenft
TreasureNFT is a Web3 revenue platform based on NFT collections.