Астроклуб Вега, Краснодар

Астроклуб Вега, Краснодар

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Enigmas y misterios del mundo

Enigmas y misterios del mundo

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Canal creado para la difusión y estudio de teorías científicas alternativas, enigmas, alienígenas, misterios. https://linktr.ee/conspiracionesp
История на ладони

История на ладони

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Illusion of deception

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The most fascinating videos. An unreal game of imagination. Break your brain!
Megamachina ⚙

Megamachina ⚙

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Actualité de l'histoire réelle. Contact ⬇️ 👉 @MegamachinaBot 👉 megamachina@protonmail.com 👉 Instagram : https://instagram.com/_megamachina_?igshid=MjEwN2IyYWYwYw==
Cose a caso da Wikipedia

Cose a caso da Wikipedia

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Цветные фотографии СССР

Цветные фотографии СССР

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Buscando La Verdad

Buscando La Verdad

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Si estas buscando la verdad este es tu canal
WWII Edits

WWII Edits

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OFFICIAL - The Impartial Truth 🎥 History Uncensored | Rare Archives Boost the community: https://t.me/impartialtruth?boost
Storicamente - La Storia del giorno 🏛

Storicamente - La Storia del giorno 🏛

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Storicamente è un canale di divulgazione dedicato alla storia. Le nostre rubriche comprendono la storia del giorno, immagini storiche, approfondimenti e curiosità. 🔍 Parte di @Polimata 📈 Acquista pubblicità: @sponsorpolimata
Back in the History

Back in the History

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We are a trusted source of up-to-date information on science, health, politics, and culture. We explore the wonders of science and the mysteries of the universe. Ads: https://telega.io/c/Sciencpedia Ads : @DesolateSpirit